Put simply, Hautlieu is an extraordinary school that nurtures extraordinary students. We take great pride in providing a calm and focused learning environment that enables excellent examination results and first class preparation for university entrance and employment.
Our three year trend of results, and for many years before that, show that our students achieve outstanding levels of examination success. At GCSE level in 2023, 95% of students gained 5 or more GCSEs, including English and Mathematics at the grades of 9 to 4 (A*-C equivalent from the old GCSE grading system). At A Level in 2023, 64% of all results were at the higher grades of A*-C. Most tellingly our valued added performance, measuring progress from GCSE starting point to A Level final grades placed our students in the top 10% nationally (ALPS grade 1). International Baccalaureate Diploma students also excelled with the average points score per student and pass rate being significantly above world-wide averages. It was wonderful to see that all the hard work which led to these results being rewarded with the overwhelming majority of students securing their first choice of university or commencing exciting careers.
So yes, we are very focused on supporting students to achieve the highest academic standards as this opens so many doors in terms of university and engaging, rewarding careers. But of course there is much more to Hautlieu than our long tradition of academic success. We passionately believe that we have a responsibility to develop young people who recognise the value of helping and caring for others. In line with our school motto of Summa Petamus, aim for the highest, our students take advantage of countless opportunities to challenge themselves be they sporting, cultural or charitable. It is humbling and inspiring to be part of a community with so many talented, caring and thoughtful young people.
I look forward to meeting when I can tell you more about Hautlieu and the opportunities we provide for our students.
Nick Falle
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