Academic Heads of Year

Mrs L De Gruchy - Academic Head of Year 10
Mrs De Gruchy - Academic Head of Year 10

Head of Year 10

Over the course of this year you will join and become part of the amazing community that makes up Hautlieu School. You begin with the run up to Trident and selecting your 6 possible work experience placements. From there you move into our annual fundraising Chique week, a week of events organised by Year 13 focusing on charity. As you enter the New year you will continue to develop your skills here at Hautlieu before taking part in your Trident placement. This will be your first introduction to the world of work and invaluable for deciding on your future studies. After this we enter the end of year assessment period where you have the opportunity to demonstrate what you have learnt this year.

Throughout Year 10 your mentors, myself and the students support team are here to support you.
If you ever need us please let us know.

Throughout Year 10 your mentors, myself and the students support team are here to support you.
If you ever need us please let us know.

Head of Year 11

Welcome to Year 11

Over the course of this year you will continue to be supported by and contribute to the amazing community that makes up Hautlieu School. Whilst completion of mock examinations and preparation for your GCSE exams begin, this year is about your growth and development. We want you to be successful academically, but of equal importance we aim to provide you with welfare support every step of the way. This year will be fun and it will bring challenges however with your committed approach and our dedicated support, it will ultimately be a successful year. Remember: your mentors, teachers, the extensive student support team and myself are all here to support you!

If you ever need us please let us know.

Mr McAdam

Mr K McAdam - Head of History & Head of Year 11
Mr McAdam - Head of Year 11 & Head of History
Mr Hutchings - Academic Head of Year 12
Mr Hutchings - Academic Head of Year 12

Head of Year 12

Welcome to the sixth form! Subject changes have closed and it’s a time for you to be trialling different study techniques for topic tests and class assessments. Use this term to make use of the excellent advice our metacognitive team will be delivering in assemblies. Towards Christmas/the Winter holiday, we then look forward to Chique week: a week of RAG (Raise and Give), with dress up themes, fantastic decorations by our Y13s, and a series of lunch activities. This is a time to give back to our local and global community, and I’m sure your cohort will show their generous spirit.
Once you’ve found your feet, it’s time to focus on developing your employability and appeal to university admissions groups. Though the UCAS process doesn’t formally begin until the end of this academic year, you should be demonstrating additional interest in subjects relevant to your career or higher education choices. Performance in assessments throughout the year, and engagement out of class, will impact on teacher’s references, written in the last term. To help you, Hautlieu has launched HELP: a selection of enrichment courses to take during study periods (botany, sewing and school radio, to give some examples) and an hour of Core provision per week for personal development and careers advice. Make sure to use your study sessions Monday and Friday mentor times to use Unifrog and carry out your additional reading. You’re welcome to email me to request books or subscriptions you think would aid in the enhancement of your personal statement.
Finally, at the end of this academic year, you will be assessed in formal mocks carried out in the Hall. Study leave has been organised to allow you time to revise, as the results of these tests will inform talks about your progression into Y13. Hautlieu aims to provide a very supportive environment: all teachers will be willing to direct you to further support in preparation for these tests.

Head of Year 13

Welcome to all year 13 students, now aiming to achieve success in what will be your final year at Hautlieu School.

Let me take this opportunity to congratulate you for your continued efforts and progress, and for the maturity, perseverance and calm, you have demonstrated throughout your time in school. Please know that all staff are here to support you on your wonderful journey into Higher Education or Employment. It is my role to intervene should any academic issues arise, but also to provide guidance in ensuring all other areas of your wellbeing are cared for. Know that hard work and determination are crucial for your academic progress however your consideration for the community as well as your development and reflection on your own mental health, should be key areas of focus in this important transitional part of your lives.

Together our strength, intelligence and kindness will help us to prevail however, and as always, should you any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to see me or arrange an appointment.

Mr M Fowler - Head of Year 13
Mr Fowler - Head of Year 13

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