Regular attendance is a vital part of student welfare. Our aim is for students at Hautlieu to have an outstanding attendance record of at least 96%. In order to best ensure the welfare of students at Hautlieu, attendance is checked every morning and afternoon for every student and contact is made with parents and carers where there is non-attendance.
In order to support Hautlieu, we ask that parents or carers contact us by 8:30am by telephone: 736242 or using the contact form below with Subject “Attendance”.
You can view your child’s attendance record at any time by logging on to the Go4Schools Platform. The QR code below will take you to the Go4Schools website and the videos will take you through the logging on process and how to interpret the records.
First Time User Login
Key Stage 4 User Guide
Key Stage 5 User Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
All students are expected to attend every lesson unless the school has been informed about absences for specific reasons such as illness or educational visits. Levels of attendance are directly linked to academic performance.
My son / daughter is over 16 and can now authorise his/her own absence
It is a school requirement that all student absence is informed by their parent / carer
My son / daughter has told me that they don’t need to attend all their lessons.
This is untrue. Even in the case of staff absence work will be set for the students to complete in the classroom.
My son / daughter tells me that attending certain lessons is not needed because ‘we don’t do much in lessons
This is untrue. Different subjects and teachers approach learning during lessons in a variety of ways in order to suit the needs of the subject and the students in order to maximise academic performance. Every lesson is equally important.
My son / daughter does not have any timetabled lessons for a particular afternoon or morning and therefore does not need to come into school.
This is untrue. Between timetables subject option lessons students have study periods when they are expected to work independently in school completing homework / background reading / consolidating prior learning or improving their understanding.
I forgot to inform the school of my son / daughter’s absence due to illness.
Don’t worry, please call the school office or use the contact form below with subject “Attendance” as soon as possible
Why am I receiving a letter about my son / daughter’s absence?
Your son / daughter will have been marked as absent without authorisation for at least one lesson during the previous week(s)
Why am I receiving a letter about my son / daughter’s absence when my son / daughter tells me that they were in school.
You son / daughter’s teacher will have marked them absent for at least one lesson during the previous week(s)
How can I help my son / daughter’s attendance improve?
Discuss with them the importance of attending every lesson in order to achieve the best academic grades that they are attending Hautlieu School to achieve. If you have a continuing concern please contact the school so that we can discuss any particular issues and how to overcome them.
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