External examinations for GCSE and GCE take place throughout the year, but mainly in Summer, for students primarily in Years 11 and 13. Exams for Year 11 in IGCSE English Literature are held in November. A limited number of Resit examinations for the Summer series are held in October and November.
External IB examinations for students in Years 13 are held over a three week period at the end of April until mid-May.
Other External examinations, such as LIBF, DEC! and HSK Mandarin take place throughout the year and the relevant students and their parents will be advised as and when the dates are confirmed with the timetables posted here.
Appeals against external exam results should only occur where there is good evidence that an exam board error has occurred. Appeals may result in grades being maintained, awarded at a higher or lower mark. Therefore, in the interest of students and their future careers, the following procedures for appeals must be followed:
Request for all appeals must be submitted by the relevant HoD in writing to the Examination Officer either within 3 days of the Autumn term or as soon as possible after the receipt of photocopied scripts.
These applications should provide clear evidence of apparent under-performance by comparison with target/predicted grades
These applications should also provide clear evidence that such apparent underperformance was due to errors on the exam board’s part.
Applications may be accepted by Head of Centre/ Examinations Officer where it can be demonstrated from module marks that a student is very close to an upper grade boundary.
All requests for appeals will be considered on individual merit by Head of Centre/Examination Officer before submission is made.
Before an appeal is submitted, students/parents must be contacted by the Exam Officer in advance and agree to the appeal being made.
If a student/parent wishes to appeal against a result but is not supported by HoD, they can ask the Examination Officer to investigate whether an appeal is appropriate.
If the Examination Officer will not support an appeal, then the student/parent can approach the Head of Centre for a final decision.
Students/parents can still ask for an appeal to be made but they will . cover any financial cost
If student/parents/teachers are dissatisfied with the outcome of a stage 1 appeal they can apply to the Examinations Officer and/or the Head of Centre for a stage 2 appeal.
If a stage 2 appeal is unsuccessful, then an application can be made to Examination Procedures Review Service
At Hautlieu we try to keep you as informed as possible, please let us know if you feel information is out of date or there are any gaps.
All queries about exams should be directed to our Examination Officer, Claire Farrow by email c.farrow@hautlieu.sch.je or phone 01534-736242.