
All students are entitled to careers education that is impartial and confidential. It will be integrated into their experience of the whole curriculum, based upon a partnership with students and their parents/carers. The programme will promote equality of opportunity and inclusion.

My role is to ensure that students receive careers education throughout each of their years at Hautlieu School.

Throughout each year students will receive guidance and input from Skills Jersey. They provide professional support to students about the next steps in their post 16 education and post 18 careers.

Steve Price - Head of Careers
Steve Price - Head of Careers


For students in years 12 and 13, employers regularly get in touch with me throughout the year about opportunities they have for school leavers and I email these to students.

Skills Jersey can provide guidance on writing covering letters and CVs. In addition, Aztec Group provide professional insight into tips for writing a standout CV.


One of my main areas of support is to help students applying to university. I provide information to parents and students about the support they receive in school. This ranges from the fundamental information of knowing about What is university? and What is a degree? To the more challenging part of the application which is how to write a personal statement in which students need to sell themselves and their interest in the subject they wish to study. I provide personal statement examples so they have a better understanding of what they are trying to achieve.

UCAS is the admissions system that students use to apply to university. The UCAS website provides a huge amount of information on choosing a course, university and more information on writing a personal statement. It also has the important key dates when applying for certain courses (such as medicine), particular universities or music conservatoires.

Lucy Dixon from Winchester University has provided a PowerPoint on the Application Process for Parents

Please note that the UCAS internal deadline for applications is the 27th November 2024.

Careers Curriculum Plan

Autumn Term

Year 10

Year 11

  • Yr11 16+ opening evening
  • Assembly about A levels from Winchester
  • 121 interviews with Skills jersey about post 16 options
  • Mentor 121 and input on Unifrog
  • Support for A level choices and completing 16+ application
  • 121 interviews with Skills Jersey about post 16 options
  • Mentor 121 and input on Unifrog

Year 12

  • Introduction to careers and activities to do to improve CV/ PS
  • Post18 planning
  • JTC CV and work experience
  • IoD Jersey – Students
  • Young Enterprise
  • Mentor 121 and input on Unifrog
  • Life in Finance presentation and application process Life in Finance
  • Law Talks

Year 13

  • UCAS application process internally Sign in UCAS
  • Before end of September ensure all applicants have applied for entry tests to Oxbridge and other subject areas
  • PWC
  • Winchester Personal Statement support
  • Winchester Yr13 support for reference writing with mentors
  • Use of Unifrog
  • Bursaries available for study at university Educational trusts, bursaries and gift funds (
  • Various employer talks
  • Aztec assembly and CV workshop

Spring Term

Year 10

  • Trident assembly on working in professional environments
  • Two week trident placement completed
  • Mentor 121 and input on Unifrog
  • Next Steps Careers Fair
  • Trident reflection assembly

Year 11

  • Interviews for 16+ entry
  • Mentor 121 and input on Unifrog
  • Next Steps Careers Fair
  • Higher Education Fair

Year 12

  • Launch Unifrog
  • Youth Assembly launch
  • Mentor 121 and input on Unifrog
  • Higher Education fair
  • USA/ European application support
  • Universities talks on various subjects
  • Assembly from Winchester about how to get the most from the Higher Education fair
  • Talk to parents about UCAS application and University from Winchester/ Student Finance and Hautlieu support

Year 13


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