English Language and Literature

16+ 2025 Prospectus

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The best teachers are the ones who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see…’ Alexandra K. Trenfor

Why study English Language and Literature?

Whether you choose Literature, Language or the combination of both, having an English A level under your belt can open up a plethora of doors for you. Studying English shows employers and university admissions teams that you have superb communication skills, strong analytical skills and the ability to be a critical thinker. You will experience the joy of storytelling and the linguistic skills behind it. You will evaluate a range of literary and non-literary texts, from a variety of time periods. Through a variety of genres: you will explore: the beauty of Paris, the dystopian regime of Gilead, war-torn Afghanistan, culture clashes in New Orleans and the lush countryside of Ireland.

You will embark on a journey of exploration through cultures, exploring the ways in which writers and storytellers use language to bring the world to life. Together we will consider how imaginary worlds are being constructed through the use of language and literary devices.

English Language and Literature offers you more than just reading books and spotting similes. If you are interested in broadening your understanding of world cultures, societal values and human relationships this could be the course for you!


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